Keeping mosquitoes away

mosquito on skin

We can say a lot about the fact that summer is a long-awaited time of the year, a time for vacations and walks in nature. And all this would be fine until you remember the thin squeak over the ear and itching all over the body and the beautiful picture of summer ceases to be […]

Mosquito bites itch

a mosquito's body full with blood

We are all looking forward to summer, warmth, picnics in the forest. And it seemed there was nothing better than spending time in nature with friends or family. But as soon as you hear a thin squeaking over your ear, you remember all the minuses of the summer. A tiny insect that you can’t even […]

Mosquito lifespan

close view of female mosquito

Mosquitoes are one of the most widespread insects on Earth. They live almost everywhere except Antarctica. Today, there are more than 3600 species of mosquitoes. These insects not only irritably squeak and bite, but also carry dangerous diseases such as Dengue fever, Zika virus, malaria, typhoid and others. Even if the mosquito is not a […]

How to get rid of mosquito bites

mosquito close view

Mosquitoes are one of the most hated troubles we face during the summer. It is best to take measures in order to protect yourself as much as possible, excluding the very possibility of confronting this threat face to face. However, despite all the measures taken, mosquito bites still happen. Once in such a situation, it […]

How to get rid of mosquito bite scars

mosquito on human skin, while sucking blood

Summer is a season when you spend most of your time outdoors, namely in a park, forest, garden or at the sea. Resting in nature and not encountering mosquitoes is practically impossible. In both adults and children, mosquito bites cause not only discomfort, but can also significantly worsen well-being and cause severe allergic reactions. The […]